Our Calgary Childcare Centre Keeps Parents Updated and Informed
Mahogany Learning Centre wants to ensure that our parents are well-informed and kept updated about their children and their Calgary childcare centre. By regularly posting on our website, providing newsletters, and delivering reports via parenting apps, we are able to keep you aware of matters which include your child’s development progress, planned activities, and upcoming events.
Get Updates
‘HiMama’ App
This invaluable app enables parents to receive daily activity reports from childcare centres and daycares like Mahogany Learning Centre.
Find more information about HiMama or sign up for the app today!

Nurture and Nutrition
At Mahogany Learning Centre, we believe that if your child is not in your loving care, they should be in the safest and most nurturing environments that allow them to play, grow, aspire and dream. We endeavour to listen to children in our care with our full attention, be as honest as possible when answering their questions, and touch and comfort them gently and often – in order to build trust and a sense of cooperation. We believe in guiding children toward appropriate behaviours, not punishing them for inappropriate ones. Guidance involves teaching them to understand the consequences of their actions and to become responsible for them. In all circumstances, children at Mahogany Learning Centre are treated with respect.
A healthy, well-balanced diet is essential for children, and ensures that their bodies have everything necessary to grow and develop properly. Meal and snack time are a relaxing and social time for the children and staff together. We provide a home-cooked a morning and afternoon snack and lunch daily. We take the time to plan menus in accordance with the Canada Food Guide. Each day, we provide the children with two thirds of their daily nutritional requirements. Children with minor food allergies are provided with an alternative meal according to the Canada Food Guide. Parents are responsible for providing meals and snacks for children with special diets. In order to maximize the safety of children with severe allergies, Mahogany prohibits peanuts in the centre premises.

Food Menu/Recipes
Our menu is designed in accordance with the Canada Food Guide. We provide healthy and well-balanced diet to ensure your children develop properly. View our monthly menu and see what your child is having for breakfasts, lunches, and snacks.
Have a question about our programs or about registering your child? Contact us today.